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Branding, Web Design, App UI/UX (concept)
Saveplates is a mobile app concept designed to address the global issue of food waste by connecting individuals, restaurants, and food banks. The app aims to create a sustainable ecosystem where surplus food can be easily shared, reducing waste and supporting those in need. The primary objectives of this project are: a) Design an intuitive and visually appealing app interface that encourages users to actively participate in food sharing and waste reduction. b) Create a smooth and frictionless user journey, from onboarding to food donation and pickup, ensuring a positive experience for all app users. c) Develop a robust algorithm that matches surplus food with nearby food banks, charities, and individuals in need, while considering proximity, dietary preferences, and time sensitivity. d) Incorporate social features that enable users to share their food-saving activities, promote awareness, and encourage others to join the movement. e) Ensure the app is accessible to a diverse range of users, including those with disabilities, by following best practices for accessibility and inclusive design.
Project Overview